Thursday, March 17, 2011

Personal Project | Irish Eyes are Smiling...A Self Portrait!

Day 14:

Googly Eyes!!!
I know this is supposed to be a photo a day but I could not resist this video.  This is one of those moments that really melted my heart! I love the Sense of Humor that my son has, just like Daddy!  For the longest time he has laughed so hard at our game of "Googly Eyes".  It can be played with anyone or anything.  With Mommy, Daddy or his favorite Bhundar(his Gorilla).  It gets even funnier with the Gorilla especially with Daddy.  It goes something like this.
Gorilla flashes googly eyes at Veer! ( Daddy pulls back gorilla's eyelids and shakes his head at Veer)
then and explosion of laughter!
Veer flashes googly eyes at Gorilla! ( Opens eyes as wide as possible with eyebrows raised)
another burst of laughter!
Gorilla's Turn!
Veers Turn!
after rounds of this Daddy flashes Gorilla's behind!
Veer rolls all over the bed with Laughter!
and this is then repeated for half an hour ...and just before bed!

This is a tame version.....He Let me record him while we waited to pick up Daddy!    


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